I have got many questions about the Legend of Black Knight. Today I would like to tell you the story. The Black Knight motherplant was grown from villager at Korat city 20 years ago. After that she has been taken by the owner nursery there. Two years later she got severely rotten at caudex so that owner of nursery was afraid of her dying then he cut her into 3 big branches. One year later, he closed his nursery and sold all plants including 2 Black Knight' branches, one of them was rotten and died with him, to two guys. One branch was sold to Mr. Tawee, owner of nusery located at Nakorn-Sawan city. Another one was sold to somebodyelse and he forgot who sold to.Three years later, I was so lucky that I have a chance to meet Mr. Tawee and bought this mother plant which he also guarranteed that this was the 1st generation of Black Knight (or Mother Plant). I am Arabicum lover and really like develop the Arabicum hybrid from real blood Mother Plant.
I also got many questions what difference between Black Giant and Black Knight. Many years ago, we called Black Knight as same as Black Giant as well. After I found her and see she got many differences with Black Giant such as form, flowers, leaves, seeds, caudex and seedpods so I gave her a name as "SIAM BLACK KNIGHT".
You can easily notice the real Black Knight from her flowers and leaves. Her flowers are softer pink and only one tone, no pink petal border. Leaves are longer and more hairy on both sides.
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