Monday, April 21, 2008

Thai Socotranum | Ride for Adeniums

Today I would like to show you more Thai Socotranum characters and varieties via VDO Clip. The easy thing to select or notice them is to check the middle main stem and side branchesaround it. The best Thai Socotranum in my opinion is "Golden Crown". Below is many forms of Golden Crown, mostly different on rootbase styles. I also added some of RCN Air-Layering from my original Mother Plant. Players here like to collect this to maintain as bonzai. Now Bonzai is very popular including Adenium with Bonzai style. Please enjoy...

The 1st Winning Award of Thai Socotranum Contest, Ayutthaya, Dec 07. This is Thai Socotranum Golden Crown, age 3 yrs, 14" caudex

Thai Socotranum: Golden Crown with Banyan Tree Root style. This is rare form and nice to collect. She is 4 yrs, 16" caudex.

Thai Socotranum: Golden Crown with crab crawl style. This is also hard to find this form. Nice form with shallow pot. She is 3.5 yrs, 17" caudex

Original Mother Plants for Hybrid Lovers...

Hi Adenium Lovers;

Today I would like to share my original mother plant collection which I use them to develop new hybrids and maintain their seedling' stability. New Arabicum trend now is followed with Multi-Branch style because this style can be maintained as "Bonsai" Class. Muscular form is dropping because they are harder to control the form or lose form especially side and top branches when they are over one year.

We do not like to dose baby seedlings with higher fertilizer to make seedlings -

grow and getting chubby faster. This seem like Fat seedling but weak. My concept is to let baby seedling grow naturally with natural organic fertilizer, vitamin and nutrients. Be patient, you will see the difference. Your plants will get not only stronger but also better form and nice fresh juicy caudex skin. Seedling grown from fertilizer dosing, caudex skin will be rough and dark brown spot around caudex when age is over one year.

Let get back to new trend Arabicum 2008 with multi-branch style. You do not need to worry with lose branch form much because you can prune or trim the lengthy branches. The great multi-branch style should come from mixed hybrid with RCN lead. The magic thing of RCN when you cut the branch, more cut more new coming branch. Here is sample, cutting one branch will make 2 new branches putting out, cutting 2 branches will make 4 branches coming out. This is like Bacteria growing or it means "The more you cut, the more you got new coming branches. If you keep doing this you can have busy branch at the top caudex area.

The next thing to do is how to make larger or wider rootbase flat. This is also another concern with Bonsai class. I will discuss this next time. Please feel free to ask me anytime via my email. Have fun with Adeniums.