Thursday, August 30, 2007

The difference of Black Knight and Black Giant

Hi Arabicum Fans;

I have many questions about what difference between "Black Knight" (BK) and "Blac
k Giant" (BG) so I will explain you following with their characters. Black Giant is the first generation of Black Arabicum here and Black Knight (Named by us) is the second generation.

You can find out more about Black Knight from "The Legend of Siam Black Knight" as below. I seperate the difference for each categorized by flower, leaves, caudex, seed pod, and seed.

1. Flowers

BK: Flower is softer pink, one tone petal and special with
red stripe in the yellow throat.

BG: Flower is darker pink to almost red. Flower's petal b
ackground is pink and also has deep pink border around.

2. Leaves

BK: Leaves are fresh green, long, wider, thicker, hairy and
some might have the red middle line.

BG: Leaves are smaller and curve at the end. Leave line is very clear with red middle line or bone. Leave color is soft green.

3. Caudex

BK: Caudex skin is almost black from top branch to caudex base.

BG: Caudex skin is brown or some can be black all caudex as well.

4. Branch

BK: Branch is more black and consist of few internodes.

BG: Branch is black and consists of many distinctive internodes.

5. Seedpod

BK: Bigger and close together.

BG: Smaller and more distant like V-Shape

6. Seed

BK: Seed is longer and bigger size and also the biggest size compared with other Arabicum seeds.

BG: Seed is smaller and round like rugby ball. Some seeds can have hairy at skin.

The Black Giant was developed from Yak Lop Bu Ri. The owner of Lop Bu Ri's Mother plant is Luetenant Piya and he is the one who named this hybrid. He is my close friend and we have studied and worked together on this hybrid for 3 years. He told me that his uncle recieved 2 youngseedlings about 15 years ago from Saudi Arabia. Both of them were grown for 1 years and Mr Piya noticed that one of them got black skin on top branches so he gave this plant as a name of "Yak Dam" as Thai people called til now.

The English name "Yak Dam" is "Black Giant" and use as marketing term. "Yak" means "Giant" and "Dam" means "Black".

Mr Piya simply said "Black Giant" is just Yak Lop Bu Ri which just has black branch skin. Some Yak Bu Ri can have brack branch almost same as Black Giant (Please see the left photo). You can notice all branches are almost the same as Black Giant but flowers are like Yak Lop Bu Ri. I think this could be clear what difference between Black Giant and Black Knight.

The Legend of real Master of Black Knight

Hi Arabicum Lover;

I have got many questions about the Legend of Black Knight. Today I would like to tell you the story. The Black Knight motherplant was grown from villager at Korat city 20 years ago. After that she has been taken by the owner nursery there. Two years later she got severely rotten at caudex so that owner of nursery was afraid of her dying then he cut her into 3 big branches. One year later, he closed his nursery and sold all plants including 2 Black Knight' branches, one of them was rotten and died with him, to two guys. One branch was sold to Mr. Tawee, owner of nusery located at Nakorn-Sawan city. Another one was sold to somebodyelse and he forgot who sold to.
Three years later, I was so lucky that I have a chance to meet Mr. Tawee and bought this mother plant which he also guarranteed that this was the 1st generation of Black Knight (or Mother Plant). I am Arabicum lover and really like develop the Arabicum hybrid from real blood Mother Plant.

I also got many questions what difference between Black Giant and Black Knight. Many years ago, we called Black Knight as same as Black Giant as well. After I found her and see she got many differences with Black Giant such as form, flowers, leaves, seeds, caudex and seedpods so I gave her a name as "SIAM BLACK KNIGHT".

You can easily notice the real Black Knight from her flowers and leaves. Her flowers are softer pink and only one tone, no pink petal border. Leaves are longer and more hairy on both sides.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

New Thai Socotranum: Petch Ban Na (Tower Style)

Hi Thai Socotranum Lovers:

Today I would like to talk about Thai Socotranum: Petch Ban Na (PBN). PBN is one of our popular Thai Socotranum. This PBN is very unique unlike other Thaisocotranums. The easy part you can see is that flower because her flower is the most soft pink compared with other Thai Socotranums.

As of today, we have developed our new style of PBN seedlings which all of them are grown from seeds harvested from the 1st original mother plant. We are pretty believe and trust in TRUE hybrid especially with Thai Socotranum. The reason is that Thai Socotranum is very slow growing and the best form will represent at least 1-2 years so we would not like to waste our time, wouldn't we?

Here are some of our seedlings with NEW tower style and have shubby on the top of branches surrounded with side branches. We have tried to develop form like real Socotranum from Socotra Island. We totally guarranteed that all of them are 100% TRUE seedlings almost the same as Mother Plant so you will be happy and sure that you get the TRUE ones. Now 1st seedling lot is released now!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

How to identify the TRUE Thai Socotranum: Golden Crown?

Hi Socotranum Lovers;
I have got many questions on how to notice the TRUE Thai Socotranum : Golden Crown seedlings. As you know, Thai Socotranum: Golden Crown is the most popular and rarely hard to find. The mother plant can give seeds only 2 times a year.

Here below are some points you can make decision to get the real Golden Crown.

1. Big caudex base, grey brown for 2 yrs up and for 1-2 yrs caudex might be soft white to grey white.

2. Branch Joints (Inter-Node) are very clear and some on the top might be black.

3. Flowers are rounded shape with pink curly border. The petals are soft pink. some flowers are also fresh deep pink border like Diamond Crown.

4. Leaves are shiny, fold up and some can have red under leaves. Old leaves might have red bone. Top leave is dark green but bottom one is soft green.

5. Here is the most important thing to classify: branches are almost parallel with the earth and consist of 2 layers. The branches on top layer or main middle stem will span like finger spread. Middle main stem is special character for this Thai Socotranum

Unfotunately, most of Thai Socotranum seedlings are almost similar or hard to identify when their age are 6-7 months or 2-3" caudex. Golden Crown seedlings will mostly represent the distinctive form when seedling age is over 7 months.

It's hard to identify if they are 100% Golden Crown with baby seedlings. Mostly identified as Golden Crown distinctively when their ages are over 8-9 months.

We can guarrantee that you will get the TRUE hybrid coz our seedlings are from the 1st mother plant and we do hybrid zoning distinctively, not mixed with other hybrid. our true Golden Crown seedlings with 1-1.5" will be available on ending of Aug.

For more information about Golden Crown , please visit this link.